Is it Possible To Manifest Health and Wealth When The World Feels Like It's falling apart? 100% Yes

How To Experience An
Unmistakable “Neon Sign”
From The Universe... Announcing A Divine
Financial Blessing Is On The Way!

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Discover In This Presentation...

  • 1.

    How To Clear Abundance Blocks

    Clear all 7 Chakra points to remove abundance blocks and from Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, the Heart, the Throat, Pineal Gland and the Crown. Using the Powerful frequency of Sound and Vibration.
  • 2.

    Cymatics – The Hidden Vibrational DNA

    Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, is a science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). Every Sound Frequency Is Made Up Of A Hidden“Vibrational DNA.” It is the sound waves transmitted through the human body in order to normalize imbalances and synchronize the cells' frequencies back to their natural, healthy state of vibrational resonance.
  • 3.

    The Law of Vibration

    Everything is in a constant state of vibrational frequency and hence being part of the vibrational universe. The Law of Vibration, states that we attract what we are sending out through vibration and frequency alignment. Our thoughts are waves of energy that creates solid matter and reality as we know it.
  • 4.

    New Technology - "Energy Orbiting"

    “Energy Orbiting” is a new technology that infuses brainwave entrainment frequencies, hypnotic suggestions and NLP to focus the attention in a way that places the brainwaves in the optimum accelerated Theta during deep sleep.

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$197 Today Only:$27

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$197 Today Only:$27

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$247 Today Only:$37

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$247 Today Only:$37

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$447 Today Only:$97

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

Manifestation Magic Custom Edition

Receive A 45-Minute Private “Energy Orbiting” Healing Soundscape Tailor-Made Just For YOU… Your custom audio will be created to tap into your biggest challenges, your unique gifts, and your deepest core motivators. So your new “Abundance beliefs” become automatic within your subconscious MUCH faster.

($247.00 value)

Spirit Whispering

A 21-Day Master Course To Discover the hidden meanings of Signs, Sacred Repeating Numbers, Animal Sightings, & other "Weird Events"... (Includes a free Universe Translator app!)

($97.00 value)

Instant Sleep Magic

Using the latest 432Hz "Brainwave Synching" technology to help us fall asleep... and wake-up rested, ready to take on the day!

($39.00 value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$447 Today Only:$97

Get Access Now click to download

New Bonuses + Additional 20% Discount Added! Receive Your Corona Rescue Package...

To help you to not just get back to normal, but THRIVE in this new world, I’ve put together a special RESCUE PACKAGE (this is in addition to your existing bonuses).

Bonus # 1: “10 Minute Earth Healing Sound Bath” ($47.00 Value, Yours FREE) - Just push “Play” to SURROUND yourself in the healing & safe frequency of mother earth (7.83 HZ). You’ll release fear, become a bright light for friends and loved ones, and “Synch up” with the guidance and blessings of the Universe.

Bonus # 2: Super Immunity Secrets: 7 research backed keys to balance, boost, and supercharge your body’s immune system ($47.00 Value, Yours FREE)- These are my “go to’s” for fighting off and staying healthy from colds, viruses, and other infections.

Bonus # 3: Surviving & Thriving After Corona: 20 Ways To Manifest Extra Monthly Income Streams ($47.00 Value, Yours FREE) - This special report reveals PRACTICAL ways you can use to quickly manifest extra cash in this new post-corona world (while old ways of generating income dry-up, these 20 new ones are more bountiful than ever).

Bonus # 4: Receive an ADDITIONAL 20% off. This means you’re now receiving a package worth $432.00 for just $37 (pocket change compared to the gifts you’ll soon manifest).

What is “Energy Orbiting” and why are these audios so effective?

“Energy Orbiting” is a new technology that infuses brainwave entrainment, hypnotic suggestions and NLP to focus the attention in a way that places the brainwaves in the optimum accelerated state for neuroplasticity to occur.

“Neuroplasticity is the term used to describe the electrical and chemical restructuring of the brain; it refers to the brain’s ‘muscle’ – what we do over and over again gets stronger whilst what we don’t do fades away. We are what we think and do.
This means that it is not ony possible but easy for us to to rewire our brains, changing thinking behaviour, habits and emotions, because through the repeated use of these audios we are physically restructuring our brain causing neuroplastic change where required.
Until the discovery of neuroplasticity it was believed that the brain was a fixed and static organ that stopped developing after childhood.

Thanks to developments in the field of neuroscience and longer term studies, that is no longer the case. The brain has the ability to change and neuroplasticity is present from birth to death.
These audios work because they focus our attention on the changes required for hyper accelerated growth; deep focused attention that goes well beyond the conscious mind is necessary for neuroplasticity to occur. This is what repeated use of these audios will do and help to accelerate this process.

Whilst the pulsing audio synchronises the brainwaves, the hypnotic NLP based suggestions encode new information into the subconscious mind, creating new synaptic connections within the brain; facilitating change.

Through the continued use of the audios, we are strengthening and reinforcing these new synaptic connections making the desired thoughts, feelings and behaviours more automatic because through repetition, the brain is getting used to using those ‘muscles’.

These audios are an extremely effective way at creating change because they induce the brain wave states that are most conducive to neuroplasticity. The deeply relaxed focuses state they induce when used consistently engages the neurotransmitters necessary for brain change and neuroplasticity to occur.

Every Sound Frequency Is Made Up Of A Hidden “Vibrational DNA

By playing audio frequencies to water, and recording what happens…
they’ve found that every sound forms an image 100% unique to that frequency.

For scientists, this is proving to be a major breakthrough.
Because once we fully understand the “DNA of Sound,” then we understand
how to fully harness that vibration to create change within us.

And, that’s exactly how my magic manifestation secret works.

By partnering with a sound engineer and using the latest cymatics research,we developed a vibration raising shortcut I call…

Energy Orbiting works by harnessing “sound DNA”

In fact, researchers found this technology brings a person into Theta in short time of listening to the right frequencies.

As part of this special offer, there are 5 products (valued at $411):

Real Reviews From Real People

Average user rating

4.7 / 5

Rating breakdown

65% Complete (danger)
35% Complete (danger)
0% Complete (danger)
0% Complete (danger)
0% Complete (danger)
  • “...I can't sleep without it anymore.”

    Hi Alexander...

    ...A few weeks ago everything just fall to pieces. I thought that was the end for me. I lost everything, my house but most of all my faith.

    I bought your Manifestation Magic and in less than a week a lot has changed. I was always in fear what will happen to me and all of a sudden my puzzles pieces are coming back again...

    ...I'm listening every day and night all my audios and I can't sleep with out it anymore.

    I can only say WOW for everything you did for me and a change in my lifestyle. Thank you I really appreciate it.

    With lots of


    - Pauli Grant
  • “Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!”

    Hi Alexander

    Gosh where do l begin!

    Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!

    ...My destiny is crystal clear and so bright I cannot thank u enough!!!!!

    ...My destiny is to help women who have been left with children and animals to fend for themselves. I am going to give them a home for the rest of their lives! Huge responsibility but I am up for it

    Lots of love

    - Bridge
  • “I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!”

    I’ve been listening to these audios repeatedly for a while now. I’ve been seeing 555, 11:11, 22:22 nothing happened for a while but after about 2 weeks, my sales have gone from 3 figures a month to 4 figures a month and it keeps growing. I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!

    Here’s my tip – don’t give up if it doesn’t happen immediately.. set your intentions clearly (very important), keep listening until you see the signs repeatedly, whatever it is you’re trying to manifest – it’s coming. Signs were everywhere for me – especially on my phone and my computer. I just kept seeing it, so I kept listening, putting out positive vibes and it finally happened for me.

    - Jason C.
  • “I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.”

    Having just read the whole of the Quick Start Guide I am highly impressed with the level of detail and clear and precise directions that you have provided. You have demystified so many things that I was not clear about especially with the visualisation which has eluded me up till now. I am actually feeling quite excited that this can work for me and I'm not one to get excited easily! I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.

  • “I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.”

    I purchased your program and have been using it every day since. Your programs resonate with me and I will continue to use them.

    So, please do not worry.
    I purchased two other manifestation programs in the past that do not compare with what you produce. I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.

    -Kathy Arima
  • “But WHOA these audios are different!!”

    I’ve tried lots of other audios before – Brainwave, Subliminals, Hypnosis, you name it I’ve tried them all.. so I was expecting this to be like the same old crap I tried. But WHOA these audios are different!! I feel so energized and confident, I feel like new man! I don’t care much about money but my focus is self-transformation! …It’s weird I am seeing myself become stronger and feel more powerful day after day!

    - Alvin L’mpao
  • I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals!"

    I've recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of skepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past. However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the order form, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.

  • “A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA”

    Amazing product 😊 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

    A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3...WHOA

    - Laura McCaughey
  • “I got $322 unexpected
    deposit into my bank account...”

    ... The first day, nothing happened...

    The second day I got a fillup on gas and $50 cash...

    The SECOND time I tried this, I got $135 on the first day…

    The THIRD time I tried it a week later, I got $322 unexpected deposit into my bank account…

    Yesterday I did it again without even knowing it…woke up to someone calling me to give me $160

    - Mallorie E
  • “...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...”

    ...I listen to the twilight one every night, all night...

    ... I seem to be able to deal with whatever is being thrown at me at the moment and deal with it and let it go.

    I've been more of a positive person the past few days....

    At least now, (and this is just after a few days) I can say I deserve and receive whatever the universe wants to give me.....instead of, I don't deserve.

    So, thank you very much for putting these audios together.

    Peace to you,

    - Cheryl Ross

Choose a Package That Suits You Best



$197 Today Only:$27

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$197 Today Only:$27

Get Access Now click to download



$247 Today Only:$37

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$247 Today Only:$37

Get Access Now click to download



$447 Today Only:$97

Get Access Now click to download

Show Features

The Quick-Start Guide

The Complete Energy Orbiting Audio System (Including Twilight Transformation)

Bonus #1: The Chackra Power System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #2: The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime Access To The "Push Play" App So You Can Access The Entire Program On Your Smartphone or Tablet ($120.00 Yearly Value)

Manifestation Magic Custom Edition

Receive A 45-Minute Private “Energy Orbiting” Healing Soundscape Tailor-Made Just For YOU… Your custom audio will be created to tap into your biggest challenges, your unique gifts, and your deepest core motivators. So your new “Abundance beliefs” become automatic within your subconscious MUCH faster.

($247.00 value)

Spirit Whispering

A 21-Day Master Course To Discover the hidden meanings of Signs, Sacred Repeating Numbers, Animal Sightings, & other "Weird Events"... (Includes a free Universe Translator app!)

($97.00 value)

Instant Sleep Magic

Using the latest 432Hz "Brainwave Synching" technology to help us fall asleep... and wake-up rested, ready to take on the day!

($39.00 value)

New Corona Rescue Package Bonuses

Lifetime Support

"24 Hour Results" 60 Day,
Money-Back Guarantee

$447 Today Only:$97

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